En route to the tower, I incorporate many of the tips I outlined in the post How to Run a Fantasy City. Riandon still needs to register as a wizard at the Mages’ Guild, the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors. So today, I tell the players that it is the morning before they head off to the Yawning Portal. Last week, I had an encounter planned that would introduce the major players of Blackstaff Tower, but I could tell my players were a little bored, so I held off on the encounter. In my campaign, in addition to running an expanded Dragon Heist, I am interweaving several stories from the Waterdeep novels, particularly Blackstaff Tower, Godcatcher, Death Masks and City of Splendors. Unless it serves the story ion the future… Or they deserved it! Also, don’t use NPCs that are deeply involved with the players in the present moment of the campaign. Use only role play encounters, and make it clear to the players that combat is not expected. Third, don’t use this with a combat encounter, there are too many variables. Going back too far increases the risk of altering current events. Second, don’t go too far back in time usually no more than a day or two. Now, I have four basic rules for running an encounter out of order.įirst, use this tacit rarely and for good reason maybe you forgot that key piece of information or you need an encounter to set up a bad guy. It is no different than saying, “Last week, I forgot to tell you guys that you have this key in your possession, or whatnot,” just more detailed. We are not perfect DMs and storytellers sometimes we forget things.

What if a character dies during the “before” sequence, or they kill an important NPC? Doesn’t this destroy the illusion of reality? Maybe, but it’s okay. So, we did the encounter today, out of sequence. Last week, neither my players nor I were in the mood for any role play, but I had an important non-combat encounter that I wanted to do before the players got wrapped up in the Yawning Portal storyline. But first, I have a favor to ask my players. Known as Volo to his friends and creditors, he has a favor to ask of our hearty adventurers.

After the battle, the Saviors met one of the most famous celebrities of the Forgotten Realms, Volothamp Geddarm. When last we left our heroes, they had finally made it to the Yawning Portal Inn only to be attacked by a couple of Shambling Mounds that decided to relocate from the dungeon below. Especially once I place their mini on the table. I really like this cover, but since every player will see it at some point, it kinda spoils the mystery of who the bad guys are.